Client work
The Cumberland Initiative is an important hub that connects leading experts in Healthcare simulation and modelling from University and Industry.
Our long lasting relation allowed in the years to adapt their communication to changing expectations in time.
More recently Infographics have been introduced to better capture message and mission.
You can explore The Cumberland Initiative Website

From a survey we understood that the old website, visitors couldn’t find easily the information needed, thus failing to engage many potential customers.
We applied UX principles to guide visitors into understanding the offers and contacting The Cumberland Initiative.
In particular, we decided to focused on 3 story lines: About, Why Modelling?, What is Modelling. The infographics are displayed on sliders that encapsulate each subject. A sidebar helps to navigate the site and find the other sliders.
Once the storyline of each slider has been written down, I mixed new bespoke infographics with the previously produced for printing to be more effective as possible.
In order to do that we worked in collaboration with Lisa Gillow, designer that produced the previous works and the branding.

Why Modelling?
A series of text and infographics explains what are the immediate advantages of using models and simulations.
What is Modelling?
This slider explains the use of simulations and modelling to visitors who are not familiar with the topic.