User Experience Design

The User Experience Design describes and justifies the importance of enhancing the way people interacts with devices and Web-based systems such as websites and applications.

Self produced work

Do you need User Experience Design?

User Experience Design spend a little earn a lot
every £ invested in
User Experience will bring
£2 to £100 in return
good User Experience Design reduces support costs by 90%
good User Experience
reduces support costs by
68% of users leave a website because of poorly designed User Experience Design
68% of users leave a
website because of
poorly designed UX
User Experience Design improves the usability, accessibility, and pleasure provided in the interaction with the product. It comes from the traditional human–computer interaction (HCI) design, and extends it by addressing all the aspects of a product or service as perceived by users.

The process of creating products that provide meaningful and personally relevant experiences starts from the journey by which users form their experiences.

You need to consider WHY, WHAT and HOW your potential user will consider to adopt your product.

WHY the task or the values and views associated to the product.

WHAT the product functionalities.

HOW to access to the product.

Here you can find some of the sources and resources that helped to develop the essential Visual Thinking for infographics:

Don’t Make Me Think | It’s usually the first book people read about usability

The Design of Everyday Things | Here a video from Professor Don Norman, author of the volume. He shares his thoughts on good and bad design elements and the design of everyday things

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People | Designing without understanding what makes people act the way they do is like exploring a new city without a map: results will be haphazard, confusing, and inefficient

Sketching user experiences | Author of the book Professor William Buxton on sketching experiences, Institute of Design Strategy Conference, May 2008

UX Strategies: How to Devise Innovative Digital Products that People Want | This hands-on guide by Jaime Levy introduces lightweight strategy tools and techniques to help you and your team craft innovative multi-device products that people want to us